Scope of the Policy

The policies and initiatives for the conservation of energy, environment and green campus activities will develop a positive attitude towards nature and will create challenge for protecting our resources amongst the stakeholders.

Objectives of the Policy

1. To make stakeholders understand the importance of environment and its problem areas.

2. To educate and create awareness amongst public.

3. To protect and conserve ecological systems and resources within and outside the campus.

4. To work with the local community to enhance the environment protection practices and energy conservation strategies among the rural community.

Policies at a Glance

Environment-friendliness and energy harvesting are of prime interest today which are the key factors in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for any organization. Keeping these factors in specifying energy policy

we presume that it is in accordance with the prescriptions of National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog with reference to support for renewable energy resources. Another factor of significance is rapidly and dynamically increasing energy demand. Since conventional sources cannot meet this requirement easily, the college has incorporated establishment of alternate energy sources in the form of establishment of 300 Watt rooftop Solar Power Panels.


  • The Energy policy of GMSM Mahavidyalaya monitor, conserve and manage the energy needs of the campus with the growth in the energy demands of the institute.
  • It is the responsibility of the institute in creating awareness among the students and staff about the energy conservation measures.
  • Maintain the efficiently utilize the Electrical Energy with maximum utilization of Renewable solar power


Generating system and optimal consumption of lighting load with the proper energy conservation measures in the campus. Also maintain green energy campus with utilization of energy management system.


1. Improvement in Energy efficiency to reduce Energy consumption and cost.

2. Minimize the energy consumption by use of energy efficient equipment. and maximize use of day light and natural ventilation.




Action Plan:

GMSM Mahavidyalaya is committed to maximize energy conservation procedures through various measures.

1. Conduct Green Audit once in a year.

2. Maintain the Energy needs of the campus with back-up power supply system for supplying uninterrupted energy demands.

3. Establishment of energy efficient utilization measures in the supply, demand systems as part of energy management of the campus.

4.  Replacement of the existing conventional lighting with the LED lamps.

5. Monitor the electricity bills for the efficient utilization of solar power plant installed in the campus. 

6. Create awareness among the students and staff in energy conservation and management by the Eco-club of the college.

7. Encourage students and staff to be energy efficient by encouraging use of bicycles.

8. Organizing expert lectures in the area of energy conservation and renewable energy.

9. The Institute shall continuously review and update the approved policy and is committed to its implementation.

10. Solar panels were installed on the roof top of the college building to minimize the use of non-renewable source of energy.

11. Directions are given to students are given for the proper utilization of the electronic devices in the institution. Ensures all the institutional electronics are turned off when not in use.

12. Reduce e-waste to maximum with proper maintenance, before moving on to Replace & Recycle stage.

13. Use of energy efficient, star labelled equipment for various purposes.