The office bearers of Students’ Union of GMSM Mahavidyalaya are selected from amongst the elected Class Representatives. General Secretary (GS) of the students’ union is represented in the Governing Body of the college and on behalf of the general students he/she gives specific suggestions regarding different academic and administrative matters to the G.B.



  1. The Principal of the College is the Ex-officio President of the Students’ Union executive committee.
  2. Class Representatives to the Students’ Union are elected from the respective classes as per the constitution of the Students’ Union of the College.

The class representatives select the office bearers. The tenure of office of the Students’ Union is one year. Other than the President i.e. the Principal, the office bearers are the Vice-President, General Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Cultural Secretary, Games’ Secretary, Magazine Secretary, Library Secretary, Canteen Secretary, Secretary-in-Charge of Girl-students’ Common room

Objectives of Student Union:-

  • To promote physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual upliftment of thestudent community
  • To promote socio-cultural responsibility for the betterment of the students in particularand society in general.
  • To promote unity, fraternity and brotherhood among the students.
  • To ventilate genuine grievances of the students and their aspirations before thecompetent authority by means of democratic ways for redressal and fulfilment.
  • To promote healthy and disciplined educational atmosphere in and around the college. To uphold prestige and dignity of the college.
  • To maintain health and hygiene.
  •  To protect environment.
  • To identify and help to solve problems encountered by students in the Institute.
  • To communicate its opinion to the college administration on any subject that concernsstudents and on which the council wishes to be consulted.
  • To ensure plastic free, tobacco free campus.
  • To ensure that the students do not face any sexual harassments and if any this sort ofunwanted situation arises, they raise the issue in college’s sexual harassment cell to takenecessary action immediately.
  •  To organize educational and recreational activities for students like Social, Fresher’sWelcome, Teachers Day, Saraswati Puja,
  • To maintain good relations, out of mutual respect, with the college staff (the Principal,teaching and non-teaching personnel) and parents.